A Book of One’s Own

A woman must have a room of her own…

Author, Virginia Woolf’s wise words, offer valuable guidance. Her counsel, for a woman to have a room of her own, applies for any woman in search of pathways leading to the full expression of her creative heart and soul. I have come to realize over time, that it’s also important for a woman to have a book of her own, a journal.

A journal when prayerfully and intentionally tended, becomes a sacred container for personal stories, wisdom, insights, questions, doubts and fears. A woman’s journal, when used in this way, shape-shifts to serve as a sacred reliquary where she scribes and keeps her dreams, visions, observations, with the subtle and profound recorded moments that compose her daily life. A woman’s journal is also a vessel for her prayers, conversations with God, and soulful exploration.

When a woman is a Soulful Scribe she acknowledges her desire to express the myriad layers composing her daily life. The Soulful Scribe puts her pen to the page to give words to the hidden wisdom contained in the deepest recesses of her heart.

A woman’s journal provides a map of where she’s been, and a forecast for the landscape that lies ahead. Journaling is a private experience, yet, when a circle of Soulful Scribes gather together, there is a blessed opportunity to share, witness, and inspire one another’s journeys. This is why I always feel called to include journal prompts in the materials for my online courses, such as: The Sophia Dialogues, and my other offerings.

My personal passion for all sorts of blank books has led me to study methods for hand-crafting small journals in myriad forms. Today, as I prepare for Summer’s arrival, I’m opening one of my newly self-created journals to a fresh page. My intention is to use my pen to the plant seeds of my envisioned projects within the pages. During the months ahead, I’ll nourish my garden of visions with my prayers and intentions as I continue to seek and record daily discovered inspirations.

I echo the thoughts of Goscelin the Scribe, in the story of Ink and Honey

I long for hours of solitude and stillness to ponder God’s mysteries, to scribe my most private revelations…

I whole-heartedly believe a woman needs a room and a journal of her own to enter her private world where her inner thoughts and feelings may be expressed upon the page. In this way, the Soulful Scribe grows her wisdom, discovers her true nature, and communes with the Holy One. Transformation awaits when the pen is set free within the sacred terrain of a woman’s journal.

Are you a Soulful Scribe?

What is the deepest question you are carrying in your heart, in this moment?



The Wisdom of Bees


The Blessings of Community