Preparing to Stitch

I have spent the past week (while preparing materials for my new course) rearranging my studio. It’s a small space that serves as my prayer corner, work/writing desktop, and stitching/art-making atelier. In other words, it’s a multi-purpose room.

Recently I was drawn to move my prayer corner to a favorite cozy place by the window in my bedroom. I took my sacred statues, books, icons, etc. from the studio and arranged them on bookshelves next to a comfy chair in the bedroom. This change of venue feels ever so right and the move of my altar and icons has created spaciousness for my stitching accoutrements.

All this rearranging was actually inspired by a crazy quilt that my mother and I made together in the late 1990’s. I discovered the quilt in a box tucked away in a closet a few weeks ago. I have fond memories of selecting the fabrics with my mother and gathering the threads and “bits and bobs” she lovingly hand stitched to the random patchwork design she carefully pieced together. I added numerous charms and transferred family photos to fabric that were pieced into the design. The quilt now hangs above my desk where I see it each day and am reminded of that special time with my mum who has been gone for several years.

A vision board and cupboard full of threads, needles, and stitching paraphernalia have been arranged where my altar used to be. The vision board is a work in progress, as I am.

All of these changes to my atelier are outward signs of what’s happening within my creative/spiritual process. It’s as if my outer world is aligning with my inner world. The changes are also inspiring the content and materials I’m currently creating for my autumn course, The Poetics of Stitched Prayers.

I look forward to autumn and the opportunity to share a variety of ways to slow stitch our prayers. My quilt, vision board and cupboard full of haberdashery are touchstones for my creative soul.

Do you have a family heirloom or personal treasure tucked away that could bring you renewed inspiration and joy?

How does autumn inspire your creative spirit?

What are the interior and outer changes you long to make as the days grow shorter and September approaches?


Prayerful Stitching