Belle Cœur Sisterhood

A contemplative, prayerful, and creative global community

Applications are currently being accepted for

Belle Cœur Spiritual Formation

an online and independent study.

As their community grew, each woman’s gifts bloomed into loving action, an offering to God and the Sisterhood.

Ink and Honey by Sibyl Dana Reynolds

What is Belle Cœur Sisterhood?

Our global contemplative, prayerful, and creative women’s community, Belle Cœur Sisterhood, was founded in 2013, by Sibyl Dana Reynolds, the author of the award winning historical novel, Ink and Honey. The beloved fictional story of the French medieval sisterhood, the Sisters of Belle Cœur, inspired the author, a spiritual director and retired clergy, to create the Belle Cœur Spiritual Formation program. Women responded and over time Belle Cœur Sisterhood, an ecumenical, Christ-centered, community has welcomed Sisters from the U.S., New Zealand, Canada, U.K, and South Korea.

We are women seeking the sacred through prayer, study, and the work of our hands and hearts. Our monthly virtual circles for journaling, intercessory prayer, and sacred study enrich our community life. Residential retreats and Belle Cœur seasonal virtual circles provide opportunities for intentional conversations and personal connection.

The Way of Belle Cœur is both ancient and new…

he spirit of Belle Cœur is rooted in the Beguine tradition of the Middle Ages. We follow a spiritual pattern to quicken, inspire, and nurture our longings for…

Spirit, through ever deepening relationship with the Divine Presence, the Sacred Feminine, and Jesus the Christ, the Beloved.

Sacrament. expressed symbolically through ritual and celebratory blessing.

Sisterhood, among kindred spirits as a contemplative and spiritually creative community.

Service, through the meaningful sharing of our gifts and talents to benefit the Greater Good.

Devotion, as the full embodiment of personal sacred connection through prayer and spiritual practices.

Craft, as our manifestation of beauty and personal creative forms of sacred expression such as; writing, painting, stitching, dancing, gardening, cooking, weaving, etc.

Study, through the ongoing exploration of sacred wisdom, Scripture, and the mystical teachings of the early women Christian mystics.

Story, as our personal, fully lived, recorded and enduring legacies for future generations.

Belle Cœur Sisterhood is for the woman that is seeking…

  • to deepen her relationship with God within a caring and devotional spiritual community of women

  • to share her life’s wisdom, her gifts and heart’s desires with kindred spirits as spiritual Sisters

  • to receive inspiration to engage with her creative spirit thru sacred art-making and handcrafts

  • to share intercessory prayer in Sisterhood

  • to study, journal and grow her wisdom within a nourishing and spiritually uplifting Sisterhood

  • to become a Belle Cœur Sister and join our global, contemplative, Christ-centered community

If you feel called to learn how you can become a Belle Cœur Sister…

There is an application process for Belle Cœur Sisterhood and the required completion of the six-month Belle Cœur Spiritual Formation Program. Spiritual direction with Sibyl during formation is included.

Application must be completed before registering. Visit here for details and to apply.

Why Sisterhood is important now…

The concept of sisterhood has remained a constant theme within women’s lives for centuries. An intentional and co-creative community, a circle of women, provides a safe and welcoming container for women to gather, pray together, study, and to share our stories. Together, we support one another as we make our inner and outer pilgrimages while navigating life’s journey.