Prayerful Stitching

For me, today has been a day to embrace silence, breathing in and breathing out…while stitching my prayers.

Slow hand-stitching is a cherished prayer practice. The gentle motion of moving the needle in and out of the fabric stills my chattering mind and soothes my spirit. Doing this while in silence, adds an additional dimension of peace to the process.

I began the morning by clearing my work table. I carefully folded and put away a stitched work in progress that I will soon pick up again. I sorted through my many baskets of creations in waiting, as I like to call my unfinished stitching projects. I always become creatively inspired when I spread out an array of fabrics and threads. Savoring my stash of linen, printed scraps of cotton, tea-stained lace, and endless bundles of colorful threads, ribbons and assorted bits and pieces is both calming and exciting.

Nestled in a basket, I found a scrap of vintage French linen, and a “just the right size” piece of soft felt. For several months I’ve been wanting to stitch a little needle case for my favorite large eye embroidery needles. The linen and felt were quickly cut into strips. I added two vintage “yo-yo’s” to the cover and stitched my monogram. A simple blanket stitch will hold the needle-case together. I hope to have the entire little project completed by evening. It will be imbued with my prayers, as each stitch is made with sacred intention.

Another long awaited project was also begun today, a Redwork embroidery quilt. Stay tuned for more images and stories about this industrious creation.

In the afternoon I made a cup of tea and put my pen to a blank page in my stitch journal to make notes of ideas for a course/program I’m feeling called to offer in the fall. The working title for the course is, The Poetics of Stitched Prayers. Contemplative, prayerful, slow-stitching is my passion and I long to share this sacred practice with others.

I realized today while sketching my ideas for my fall program, The Poetics of Stitched Prayers, that slow-stitching won’t be the only the practice included in the course materials. I’m feeling inspired to also provide guidance for the creation of a hand-crafted stitch journal to accompany prayerful stitching. Often, while praying and stitching, thoughts arise that deserve attention. Having a stitch journal nearby provides a personal and intentional space for reflection.

I move the needle and thread along the edge of the linen and ponder the fragility of the planet and our civilization. In a grace filled moment, I take comfort as I recall Dostoevesky’s famous quote…

Beauty will save the world.

Let us pick up our needles and thread and stitch our prayers with sacred meaning and intention. Perhaps, while crafting beauty, we may slowly begin…stitch by stitch, prayer by prayer…to mend the soul of the world.


What is your most meaningful prayer practice?

Where do you find inspiration for your spirit and creative heart?

What does your heart long for in this present moment?


Preparing to Stitch


Women’s Bone Wisdom