Foraging for Inspiration

“Odd how the creative power at once brings the whole universe to order.”

―Virginia Woolf

Today I’m foraging about in my workspace. When I’m feeling restless to begin a new writing or stitching project, I always begin to forage through my books, stitching cupboard, threads, past journals, hither and yon. I’m on the hunt for inspiration. I’m seeking the spark that will ignite my next creative fire and I prefer to search for it here in my little atelier.

There’s something very life-giving within the experience of perusing my books and journals, sorting through old photographs, and rummaging through art materials and an assortment of stitching bits and bobs. It’s important to me to allow the process to meander wherever it leads me.

I always take time to journal when seeking inspiration and looking for a starting place for the next place to focus my creative spirit. While looking through my journals I came upon the following list of journal prompts I created for myself some time ago. You might have fun with this little exercise or create your own list inspired by the number 12:

  • 12 desired changes for my inner and outer worlds

  • 12 things that inspire me

  • 12 practices to enliven my creative spirit

  • 12 personal passions

  • 12 people that inspire me (historical figures, ancestors, literary characters, friends, family, etc.)

  • 12 books I’ve read and would enjoy re-reading

  • 12 ways to spend a rainy afternoon

  • 12 favorite inspirational references (from sacred texts or devotional books)

  • 12 favorite art supplies

  • 12 things I’m ready to let go of (tangible and/or intangible)

  • 12 creative related materials on my wish list

  • 12 topics that stir my soul and invite my exploration

For now, I’m going to take a time-out from foraging to journal in response to my list of prompts. Perhaps the inspiration I’m seeking is awaiting me on the blank page.

What would your list of twelve look like? Where do you find inspiration for your creative spirit? How will you express yourself today?



Sabbath Rest


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