A Map for the Journey

It’s a rainy spring morning here, in the Heartland of North America where the prairie’s tall grasses bend in rhythm with the breeze. This dark and cozy day invites me to tidy my atelier and sort through the piles of books and papers heaped upon my desk.

A stack of volumes of the new 2nd edition of my novel, Ink and Honey awaits my attention. Personal hand-written notes will soon be tucked into each book. These will be sent to various artists, poets, writers, and creatives, as tokens of my gratitude for their work.

I turn the pages of the new hardcover version of Ink and Honey and feel a rush of gratitude for my dear, creative friend and Belle Cœur Sister, Judith Alkema, and her carefully and thoughtfully illustrated map of Belle Cœur. Judith is the artist that also designed the beautiful new cover, and the additional hand drawn flourishes that bless the pages of the latest edition.

When Ink and Honey celebrated her tenth anniversary last winter, it felt timely to refresh the book with a map depicting the world of Belle Cœur. Readers of the story now have a visual overview of the landscape for the Sisterhood’s home.

If one looks closely at the map, there are tiny sheep and cattle grazing in the meadow and chickens scratching about in the barnyard. Judith’s thoughtful illustration of the wistful world of Belle Cœur brings the medieval setting to life. I like to imagine stepping into the landscape to sit with Goscelin, the heroine and Scribe, near the pond on a summer afternoon or perhaps I might find myself helping Gertrude gather vegetables from the garden.

Cartography. I’ve always been fascinated by the mystery of the word. I’m equally enchanted by a map’s inexplicable way of inspiring my imagination. Map-gazing calls me to contemplate my inner and outer journeys.

Today, I’ll assume the novice’s role of cartographer. I will begin to make a particular version of a map that will provide me with much needed guidance during the months to come. I will prayerfully create a sketch of the landscape of my work-life to carry me from spring to late autumn. Many facets of my various online teaching projects and daily connections through Spiritual Direction sessions, my writing practice, stitching and other dedications will be mapped and charted to help me to navigate my course.

Each personal passion will find a place within the landscape of my daily life. Carefully arranged upon my map there will also appear necessary rest stops for soulful sustenance for the journey. There will be colorful way stations posted for respite, and a variety of offerings including: bits of dark chocolate, snippets of poetry, embroidery for slow-stitching and china cups of rose tea.

What does your imagination’s map reveal? How might you create a map of the world you’re longing to inhabit? What is the journey calling your name?

May blessings flow to us and through us as we map our journeys…inwardly and outwardly.




The Threads of Story