
I have been repeatedly asked in recent days, what inspired me to create the new monthly offering, The Sophia Dialogues, at Peoples Catholic Seminary.

My simplest response is that the three words…the Sophia dialogues…suddenly came into my mind while I was eating lunch at my desk. Words often pop into my head as possible book or blog titles, or as the beginning sentence for a story, or simply as random thoughts. My journals are full of words that hold the potential to inspire a future project, thought, poem or post.

Every so often, however, words arise and I hear them with the ears of my heart. This sort of encounter catches my attention, the way dreams often do. There are dreams, to my way of thinking, that are vivid, prophetic and visionary. I call these initiatory dreams. These are the dreams that I record in my journal and revisit time and again. These are the dreams that hold valuable guidance and inform my way of being or responding. There are also dreams that are forgettable, scattered and lack vitality. I call these dreams, dross, the psyche’s way of burning off the day. While, I believe these dreams also have meaning, they do not hold the radiance and importance of the initiatory dreams.

The Sophia dialogues arose in the way of an initiatory dream. I was caught by surprise and intrigued to entertain the inspiration held within the words, that felt illuminated and alive with possibility. I sensed, as I said the words aloud, the Sophia dialogues, that I had been given a title to explore, but was it a title for a story, poem, book, blog post or could the three words be the inspiration for something ongoing and interactive? My mind and spirit were quickened by the invitation of the words.

Individual words hold a meaning inherent to the provenance and use of the word, as well as, personal interpretation. The word, dialogue, resonates with my passion for sharing wisdom in community, for deep listening followed by reflective response. Definitions of the word dialogue include: a conversation between two or more persons, an exchange of ideas and opinions. Dialogue is a juicy, energetic, and evocative word calling for engagement and response.

The word, Sophia, is a name. By definition: “Sophia is the Greek translation of the Hebrew term Hokhmah, both of which mean wisdom. Sophia is the feminine personification of wisdom. She first appears in Hebrew literature from the first centuries before and after the common era.” Wisdom Sophia or Sophia Wisdom, when the two words combine they form a sacred relationship.

So what happened a month ago, when the words, the Sophia dialogues, came into my awareness as inspiration and an invitation while I ate my tuna salad and sipped tea? I can only say that my imagination was stirred and something new was set in motion.

I had to say the words aloud once again to give them life, to animate the idea that was taking form out of the ethers…The Sophia Dialogues. A stream of endless possibilities began to flow in my mind as I imagined the women who represent the female personification of wisdom. I thanked the spirit of Sophia for what I was imagining and envisioning. In my mind’s eye I witnessed a parade of women saints, mystics, visionaries, artists/creatives, poets/writers and everyday women whose names we’ll never know. Each carried her bundle of wisdom as a gift to be presented.

The Beguines St. Therese of Lisieux Hildegard of Bingen Hilma af Klint

Frida Kahlo Mary Oliver Evelyn Underhill Maya Angelou Mother Mary

St. Teresa of Avila Maria Sibylla Merian Mary Delaney St. Jeanne d’ Arc

One by one, as I encountered the spirits of these amazing women, I felt compelled to share their stories, inspiration, spiritual teachings, prayers, and creative inventiveness. for they each carry the DNA of Sophia Wisdom.

I am so very excited to discover how these women (and others) will spark dialogue, reflection and spiritual/creative inspiration for those called to receive and engage with the ongoing monthly offerings of The Sophia Dialogues. At this pivotal season of history and herstory, the invitation to reclaim the Sacred Feminine through Sophia Wisdom to inform our minds and spirits today, is vibrant, urgent and alive. We, too, carry her DNA, We, too, have stories to share, creations to birth, prayers to offer, and wisdom to be discovered. She is counting on us. Inspired by the spirits of those who broke new ground and cleared new pathways, how might we grow their wisdom through our hearts, minds, prayers, creativity and dialogue? How is Sophia Wisdom speaking to you?


Creative Companionship


A Map for the Journey