Creative Companionship
The Sacred life-arts include the work of the hands, intellect, heart and spirit. When prayer is added to the creative process and an Artisan’s Map is charted to achieve the inspired vision…the resulting fruition is transformational.
The journey of a Sacred Life-Artisan is paradoxical…
The creative process begins when inspiration sparks a vision to: write a book or poem, paint a masterpiece, knit a blanket, build a birdhouse, photograph sunrises, sculpt a statue, or weave a tapestry…the possibilities for personal expression are endless.
While riding the wave of excitement, the next step begins. The necessary materials and supplies are gathered such as: pens and paper, a new cartridge for the printer, paints and brushes, fibers and needles, scissors and paste. Also, a new vision board is carefully arranged with images and hung in a prominent place for added inspiration of the desired creative outcome.
If the inspired idea is to write a book, the research begins. If painting is the desired medium of expression, the easel is placed near the window. If a knitted blanket is the goal, the first stitches are cast onto the needles. Whatever the project, however complex the vision, momentum flows like a river to carry things forward.
And then…
L i f e happens. The exhilaration of being in the flow, is suddenly blocked and the creative vision comes to a standstill. While all manner of distraction and the inner voices of self-doubt and self-criticism stagnate the waters that had been clear and life-giving.
After all, there’s “real work” and endless responsibilities to attend to.
The spare time that was believed to be abundant for creativity and self expression is suddenly a rarity. Practicality takes charge and procrastination takes up residence. The creative pursuit of the luminous vision is now seen as “a waste of time.”
The paper and pens go back in the drawer. The easel is returned to the closet. The knitting is stuffed in a box and shoved under the bed. Meanwhile, the sunrises come and go, while the initial creative vision is tucked away in the heart to await “the right time” for fruition.
For many years of my life, I repeatedly experienced the pattern of creative vision/elation, the exciting period of project preparation and gathering, followed by the first words on the page, first stitches with the needles, or initial brushstrokes on the canvas…only to lose my momentum to my inner critic and myriad outer distractions.
However, a decade ago after I published the first edition of Ink and Honey, I realized that my creative life could actually be inextricably woven into the fabric of my everyday life. I essentially crafted a map with a new set of pathways to follow. The flow from vision to fruition is no longer interrupted by my inner critic and the endless potential for distraction.
Artisan Map-making
It’s my joy and delight to share with other creative souls, a series of spiritual practices and practical techniques that I have incorporated into my daily life. My creative flow is now charted by Artisan Maps I design with intention. My artisan maps nourish my overall well being, inspire my creative passion, and provide pathways to deliver me to the fulfillment of my visions. In recent years, artisan map-making has time and again provided the course to arrive my destination…the fruition and fulfillment of my ideas and visions.
What is Creative Companionship?
Creative Companionship provides:
Monthly support to carry your project from vision to fruition
Simple spiritual practices to bless your art-making
Practical step by step guidance to get from here to there
Resources to enrich your process
The renewed belief that what you envision can be made real
Gentle encouragement without criticism or judgment
Ongoing celebration as you move along the path to fulfillment
Perhaps it’s time to begin to revisit the vision you have stowed away. Perhaps it’s time to explore, express and imagine new pathways to fruition and fulfillment. The journey to realize your vision awaits…
Please private message me on Facebook for details.